Fenugreex capsule


توضیحات محصول

Each pack of Fenugreex capsules contains 60 capsules with a leaflet inside the box.

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Fenugreex capsule


Product Description

Each pack of Fenugreex capsules contains 60 capsules with a leaflet inside the box.

From the heart of nature

Manufacturer of therapeutic products based on medicinal plants

Quality guarantee

Final review and control by Pharmacist

Product authenticity

Officially licensed by the Food and Drug Administration

Fenugreex capsule

Fenugreex capsule contains Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract, which is effective in regulating the level of blood clots in pre-diabetic and diabetic people. This product significantly improves the effects of diabetes, including weakness, lethargy, weight loss, and frequent bowel movements, due to the presence of the effective ingredients of trigonyline-ticotic acid, fenogracin, and coumarin compounds. People with type 2 diabetes, as the most common type of diabetes, usually do not have the ability to absorb insulin and regulate glucose. The mucilaginous effect of saponins as well as hydroxyisoleucine present in this product causes incomplete absorption or delayed absorption of carbohydrates and cholesterol, on the function of cells. Beta has a positive effect on the pancreas and increases their function and ultimately blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes along with increased insulin sensitivity.

General product information

Fenugreex capsule action mechanism:

The main active ingredients of this product are trigonelline and pectins. These two compounds are effective in blood sugar control with the following mechanisms:

1-Reduction of glucose absorption: One of the unique mechanisms of this product is to delay the absorption of glucose from the stomach and intestine and thereby reduce the amount of glucose absorption. In addition, due to its high fiber content, it reduces the metabolism of carbohydrates and lowers blood glucose levels.

2- Restoring the function of β cells: the extract in Fenugreex increases the serum level of insulin by restoring the function of pancreatic beta cells and leads to the stimulation of insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells.

3-Increasing the sensitivity of insulin receptors: due to the antioxidant property of Trigonella graecum-foenum found in Fenugreex, the level of phosphorylation of the insulin receptor is increased and following the increase of the intracellular phosphorylation cascade, the level of 4-GLUT activity is increased and the absorption of glucose from Blood increases. This is especially important in people who are resistant to insulin.

4- Antioxidant and cell protection: with the increase of blood glucose as a free radical, oxidative stress conditions are activated in diabetics, especially type 2 diet, and this leads to damage to beta cells and changes in the insulin receptor structure. With its antioxidant properties, Fenugreex product reduces the oxidative stress process in the body and by protecting beta cells and preventing damage caused by free radicals, it can be effective in the general health process of the body. Due to its antioxidant effect, it has protective effects on nerve cells and is effective in reducing the risk of retinopathy and neuropathy. Various studies have shown that the use of Trigonella in Fenugreex for 1 and 2 months has a significant effect in reducing fasting blood sugar levels and can also be effective in reducing A1c levels.

Other product information

Each Fenugreex capsule contains fenugreek seed extract with the scientific name Trigonella Foenum-Graecum L.


  • Regulation of blood level in prediabetic people and people with type 2 diabetes
  • Prevention of diabetes

Contraindications for Fenugreex capsules

  • Use with caution in patients who are at risk of potassium loss.
  • Patients who use anticoagulants should take this drug with caution due to the increased risk of bleeding.
  • Due to the stimulating effect on the uterus, it should be used with caution during breastfeeding, but it is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Fenugreex capsule side effects

So far, no harmful and dangerous side effects have been observed due to the use of this medicine

Recommending tips for Fenugreex capsules

This product should be taken 2 hours apart from blood sugar control drugs.

Instructions for taking Fenugreex capsules

Take 1-3 capsules a day before meals.

Storage conditions for Fenugreex capsules

  • Keep at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius and away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.

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