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What is a vaginal suppository?

Bacterial vaginosis is a type of interference in the ecosystem and vaginal inflammation. Vaginosis infection occurs with abnormal growth of anaerobic bacteria in the vagina. In other words, naturally, the amount of lactobacillus bacteria (good bacteria) is more than anaerobic bacteria (bad bacteria) inside the vagina. Therefore, in conditions where there is an environment for the growth of bad bacteria, the balance of the microorganism inside the vagina is disturbed and the pH level of the vagina increases. Finally, bacterial vaginosis is formed. So far, no specific cause has been found for the formation of bacterial vaginosis, but several causes such as frequent baths and unprotected sex play a role in its occurrence. Bacterial vaginosis increases the risk of vaginal infections, early delivery and premature rupture of fetal membranes in pregnant women, uterine infection and pelvic inflammation. Also, bacterial vaginosis is the reason for the recurrence of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV.

Adib Elixir, a producer of products such as Inolix urine burn ointmentFengrix capsule (diabetes medicine), Daminest capsule (women’s sexual enhancement), Vigress capsule (men’s sexual enhancement), Silidianin fatty liver treatment capsulePunica capsule (ovarian cyst medicine), Karodib teaAdib Derm burn ointment (ointment for burns), Adib Derm’s acne cream and anti-stain creamEstorest capsule (treatment of menopause problems), scar healing ointment (ointment for scars) etc. are available in Iran.

Azole antifungal drugs are used in the treatment of vaginosis. Such drugs change the natural flora of the vagina. Most women experience bacterial vaginosis repeatedly during their lifetime. In addition, trichomoniasis and thrush or vaginal candidiasis are the most common vaginal infections.

What is the appropriate pH level for the vagina?

The pH level of the vagina indicates its acidity and alkalinity. If the pH level is between 3.8 and 4.5, the vagina is at its most alkaline and acidic level. In fact, a pH less than 7 indicates the acidity of the vagina and a pH higher than 7 to 14 indicates its alkalinity.

What is a vaginal suppository?

In general, suppositories are a type of medicine with a solid structure, which has a positive effect on the healing process much faster than pills and syrup. Vaginal suppositories dissolve inside the body immediately after use due to body temperature and enter the arterial blood stream with intestinal vessels. Intestinal vessels are not connected to the liver. As a result, they are not changed by liver enzymes. Vaginal suppositories are usually spherical in shape and are taken orally, so they do not interfere with food due to their local nature. One of the most common suppositories used in the vagina is progesterone suppositories. The composition of this type of suppository is female hormones, which plays an important role in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, premature birth, depression and infertility. From the point of view of physical structure, suppositories are divided into three categories: single phase, suspension-emulsion, suspension suppositories and emulsion suppositories.

How to use vaginal suppositories

To prevent infection from entering the vagina, it is necessary to wash hands and the opening of the vagina with lukewarm water and unscented soap. Because aromatic detergents change the pH level of the vagina. Then dry the vaginal area with a cotton towel. Remove the suppository from the box and prepare for vaginal use. There are two types of ways; you can put the suppository inside the vagina with the help of your index finger or use the suppository applicator.

What is a suppository applicator?

Applicator is a tool for placing suppositories inside the vagina. For this purpose, hold the end of the suppository with your thumb and forefinger. Place the other hand at the entrance of the vagina. Then put the device inside the vagina and press its end so that the suppository is directed from the chamber to the body. The most important point that you should pay attention to after taking the suppository is that it takes at least one hour for the suppository to melt and dissolve in the body, so lie on your back to prevent the substances from coming out. It is better to know that if the suppository is not absorbed, liquid will be secreted from the vagina.

Suitable position for taking suppositories in the vagina

In order to place the suppository correctly, lie on your back. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and place one foot on a short chair so that you are slightly off the ground. In addition, you can bend your knees.

The most common and widely used vaginal suppositories

  • Fitovagex suppositories:v infections are only for women and are not limited to a certain age group. In fact, genital tract infection, if left untreated, leads to infertility and uterine adhesions. Therefore, going through the treatment process is very important. The symptoms of genital tract infection are burning in the urine, purulent and foul-smelling secretions, and itching. The gynecologist prescribes Fitovagex suppositories to the patient to treat fungal and bacterial vaginal infections. Phytovagex suppository has antimicrobial and antifungal properties due to candida albicans. As a result, it accelerates the treatment process of genital tract infections. Unlike other suppositories, Fitovagex suppository does not cause inflammation of the genital tract and is very effective. In addition, the use of this type of suppository is not recommended for people who are allergic to natural and herbal extracts, especially black seeds.
  • Cyclogist Suppositories: The structure of Cyclogist suppositories are female hormones. As a result, they contain active progesterone. Naturally, the amount of progesterone in the body system of women varies and is very necessary in the pregnancy process. Progesterone production decreases before menstruation and causes aggressive premenstrual syndromes. Therefore, to prevent the formation of the syndrome, Cyclogist suppositories can be used. Progesterone also plays an important role in strengthening pregnancy. In other words, progesterone acts as a protector in women who have undergone artificial insemination. In fact, progesterone helps to stabilize the fertilized progesterone implant in the uterus. Therefore, it has a positive effect on the uterus. The placenta, which accompanies the fetus during pregnancy, produces progesterone in the mother’s body. After the baby is born and the placenta is removed, the level of progesterone in the body decreases. During this process, postpartum depression occurs. Taking Cyclogist suppositories provides the progesterone needed by the body. Cyclogist suppository is used in the anus when a person uses a condom and a diaphragm during intercourse because suppositories reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive methods. In addition, if you have just given birth to a baby and suffer from vaginal infections, it is better to use Cyclogist suppositories in the anus. Cyclogist suppositories are not recommended for women who have a history of heart attack, fallopian tube pregnancy, genital tract cancer, hereditary blood disorders, breast tumors, and liver disorders.

Use of vaginal suppositories during pregnancy

Bacterial infections in pregnant women have irreparable complications and are an important factor in miscarriage. If you do not use the vaginal suppositories prescribed by the doctor, the possibility of premature birth increases. Gynecologists usually prescribe vaginal progesterone suppositories to prevent premature birth and miscarriage. It should be noted that you can use progesterone suppositories only until the 20th week of pregnancy.

Complications of using vaginal suppositories

Vaginal suppositories do not cause any special complications due to local use, but in some cases they may cause burning or itching. At this time, you should see a gynecologist and stop taking the medicine.

Adib Elixir, a producer of products such as Inolix urine burn ointmentFengrix capsule (diabetes medicine), Daminest capsule (women’s sexual enhancement), Vigress capsule (men’s sexual enhancement), Silidianin fatty liver treatment capsulePunica capsule (ovarian cyst medicine), Karodib teaAdib Derm burn ointment (ointment for burns), Adib Derm’s acne cream and anti-stain creamEstorest capsule (treatment of menopause problems), scar healing ointment (ointment for scars) etc. are available in Iran.

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